Monday, December 2, 2013

Long Weekend Recap.

Coming back to work after a 6 day break was rough this morning.
TGFC = Thank God For Coffee.

I thought since I haven't blogged in about 5 days I would do a little weekend recap.
If you follow me on Instagram (@arp0723), then you've probably seen a little bit of my weekend through pictures.
Let's begin, shall we?

We woke up Wednesday to our first snow of the season. I normally hate snow, but since we got Charlie, I find it to be pretty fun now. He absolutely LOVES it. I mean, I can't keep him out of it. He will sit at the door and whine until I let him out to go play.

He has quite the snow beard, doesn't he? :)

Since Jesse and I were both off on Wednesday, we hung out around the house that morning and just enjoyed the Christmas decorations and snow. 

Mug = Starbucks.

We ended up going to eat japanese at Wasabi for lunch. Then went to see Catching Fire. Oh my goodness. It was amazing. Catching Fire was my favorite book out of the Hunger Games Trilogy, so I had really high hopes for the movie. I can't wait to see it again.

Thanksgiving was fun. Draining, but fun. We went to my side of the family's for Thanksgiving lunch. We took Charlie with us and he had a blast. It was nice to catch up with my family. After we left there we came back home, put on our pajamas, and made some coffee.

Sweater = Target.

Mug = Starbucks.
Pajamas = Target last year.

Friday was pretty relaxing. There was no way I was getting out to go anywhere with the Black Friday shoppers, so I just stayed at home. I worked on my last paper for this semester, napped, and made out our meal plan for December. I felt pretty accomplished for not leaving the house. 

Our Monthly Meal Plan. I found the printable on Pinterest. It's by The TomKat Studio.
Printable can be found here. I'm hoping they will make a free 2014 Calendar, because I love them!

This is our weekly meal plan/grocery list. I bought this printable on ETSY from IHeartOrganizing for $3. You can find it here.
She actually has some really adorable and useful free printables on her blog. You can the find the free ones here.

I also received my order from If The Monogram Fits. This monogram shop is run by the sweetest girl, Brandi Herchak. You can find her things on Instagram (@ifthemonogramfits). This is the second order that I've received from her, and honestly... she's the best. I think I ordered these on Monday or Tuesday and I had them by Friday. Check her out! I already had the mason jar tumbler, but I ordered a monogram for it, because... duh. Everything has to be monogrammed. Isn't my apple coffee tumbler the cutest? I love teacher stuff.

I finally left the house to go to the grocery store on Saturday. On my way home, I thought I would stop by TJ Maxx to look at some Christmas things. It's rare that I find anything at TJ Maxx, mainly because I hate rummaging through things. I like to go in, grab it, and go.

However... I found these Kate Spade iPad covers for $20 each and HAD to have them. I had the sleeve on my birthday list this year but just couldn't bring myself to pay the $50 (I think) for an iPad sleeve. Love! 

I also bought one of these Alice + Olivia for Starbucks mugs. At first I didn't understand the appeal... but once I realized the tutu was removable, I just couldn't NOT have one, ya know? Plus, the little bow got me. 

I finished the book I had been reading, Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn. It was SO good. I definitely recommend it. I started a new book, The Theory of Opposites by Allison Winn Scotch. I've heard a bit about this book, mainly from Jen Lancaster (the author of Bitter is the New Black + other hilarious books). Jen Lancaster actually chose for it to be the book for her online book club this month. Jennifer Garner has already bought the film rights. I'll keep you all posted on what I think about it.

One of my final projects for this semester is to turn present a bookshelf in my Methods of Teaching Reading class. I finally finished it on Sunday. At first I didn't really understand the point, but... now it gives me somewhere to put all of my things for school. 
I bought the bookshelf unfinished off of Craigslist for $20, went to Home Depot and bought some paint, then Target for the contact paper to line the back. It cost me about $50 in all, which I guess isn't too bad. Plus, it will eventually either go in my classroom or my future child's room. So I guess it wasn't too bad of an investment. 

Since everyone else is posting their Elf on the Shelf pictures, I thought that I would post my own. Charlie the Elf!
Poor dog. He will wear anything for a treat though I suppose. 

Quick Realization: I have a coffee mug addiction.

How was your Thanksgiving? Did you get any good things while shopping over the long weekend?

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