Monday, November 25, 2013

i finally did it.

Well... I finally did it. I made a blog. This is something I have been wanting to do for awhile, but just didn't know where to start. So... bear with me here while I figure some things out!

Like, where do y'all get these cute blog designs? Sign me up for that.
How many times am I supposed to blog a week? I know I won't blog everyday because... ain't nobody got time for that.
Also... what in the world am I going to write about? I'm not interesting in the least. I like dogs... and food... and crafts... and education...  so maybe my blog just won't have a theme. Maybe it will just be a scattered mess like I am.

So there. Here I am, blog world. Hopefully I'll find my way soon!


  1. OH HI, OBSESSED WITH THE NAME! I'm so happy that you're blogging now!! I expect lots of Charlie posts!

  2. Yayyy!! So happy that you are blogging now! Don't worry mine is a scattered mess as well!
